In so many ways, volunteers are the heart and soul of the Vail Valley Foundation. The global pandemic did not allow us the ability to gather in person and was extremely difficult for all of us.

This created a unique experience for us to stay in touch by email, social media and virtually. We hope you enjoyed the communications and information that were sent out during the last 10 months.

We missed seeing everyone in 2020 and are looking forward to being together in 2021.

Special thanks to 2020 Black Diamond Ball volunteers Todd Drabik, Loren Dumont, Bill Zeller, and Kirsten Zeller and YouthPower365 summer lunch, summer camp, and COPA volunteers Eliab Rubio, Sammie Shim, Allison Mahn, Deb Harrison, Kathryn Steffan, Jose Antonio, Kelsey, Kim, Lauren, Shelly Jarnot, Nancy, Gerry Lopez, Shannon Thornburg, Martha Brassel, and Morgan DeGree. 

Please read about our 2020 Volunteer of the Year Joanna Kerwin HERE. As a reminder of the great times ahead, please enjoy our complete volunteer listings, and a few photographs, from 2019, below.

Thank you to our

Vail Valley Volunteer of the Year

For her many contributions to multiple organizations in our community, this year, the Vail Valley Foundation announced that Joanna Kerwin is the 2020 recipient of the Vail Valley Volunteer of the Year award.

Learn more